Sunday, January 30, 2011

How a Teenage Boy Eats Taco Bell

First you stuff your crunch wrap with cinnamon twists.

Then you stuff your face!



Saturday, January 22, 2011

Contemplating Hope

This is one of my favorite pictures in the whole world.  It makes me happy.  It brings a smile to my face.  It speaks to me.  The vastness of the ocean and the mysteries of the deep remind me of my God.  He is mighty and powerful.  His grace is abundant, his mercy is overflowing, his love is beyond measure.  I feel the frailness of my humanity when I consider the awesomeness of my Creator.  My future, I have given to him and it is full of hope and peace.  I am not afraid.



Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Leeroy and Me

Leeroy loves his food.

He has mysterious eyes.

He loves to lay around.

You can't help but love him.

He's JUST like me!!

All my love,
Puppy..........I mean Poppy!